Gordes, Ménerbes, Roussillon

Florence Rodriguez
Luberon - Provence
La conciergerie de l'Olivier a été fondé par Florence Rodriguez.
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The Conciergerie de l'Olivier offers you a management and stewardship service for your property in which everything is done to assist you.
Whether you are short on time or the distance prevents you from being able to devote the time you would like to your primary or secondary home, we manage your wealth to give you the time to enjoy it.
The Conciergerie de l'Olivier relieves owners, French and foreigners, of any care and maintenance of their property.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
The founder, Florence, has combined her service and decoration skills developed both by her career in the fine arts and by her professional career in the creative world of advertising.
Her rigorous and conscientious organization was acquired as a personal assistant after great business leaders.
Florence supports you through:
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
the stewardship of your property during your absence, your stays or when you rent it.
seasonal rental assistance
decoration and interior design
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
The concierge Olivier is located between Gordes and Roussillon. Ideally located in the heart of the Luberon.
Florence, la fondatrice, su mêler ses compétences de service et de décoration développée tant par son parcours aux beaux-arts que par son parcours professionnel dans le milieu créatif de la publicité.
Son organisation rigoureuse et consciencieuse fut, elle, acquise comme assistante personnelle après de grand dirigeants d'entreprises.
Florence vous accompagne à travers:
l'intendance de votre propriété pendant votre absence, vos séjours ou lorsque vous la louez.
l'assistance à la location saisonnière
la décoration et l’aménagement intérieur
La conciergerie de l'Olivier est située entre Gordes et Roussillon. Idéalement placée au cœur du Luberon.